Board Blog Siri


Dearest readers, 

It’s crazy to think that its already February, and I have now been SPiN board for four months. If you had told me a year ago that I would be doing this, I would have probably laughed. I imagined finishing my bachelor's within three years, and then going straight into my master's to get my psychology degree. In May, I decided to apply for a board year at SPiN. I realised that I wanted to take more time for my studies, and that I wanted to grow my professional and social skills. Luckily, I was selected, and here I am now. 

I remember walking into the SPiN room a little over a year ago and asking what it meant to join a committee. I had no idea what it entailed and hadn’t grasped the thought of joining a community of such close-knit people. I ended up joining the Sports Committee in November where we organised events such as participation in the Batavieren Race. Within a year, SPiN became an irreplaceable part of my life in Nijmegen, and suddenly, a board year didn’t seem too strange to me anymore. The first months have been incredibly meaningful, and I have learned so much. Seeing my whole board together for the first time was strange, as we realised that we all really didn’t know each other that well, and that we would spend a whole year together. At that time, it seemed quite daunting, but I quickly learned the opposite. These new friendships have become incredibly meaningful to me, and I am thankful to have them by my side <3 

I can imagine that ‘board’ may sound a bit foreign to unknowing ears. It was to me at first as well, but as it was explained to me by my friends, it became something I really wanted to experience, and something I wanted to do to enhance my student life in Nijmegen. As an External Affairs Officer, I am responsible for all external relations. That means that I arrange most sponsorships the association receive, and I am the first contact person for most external parties. I love this position because I am a really social person, and with this, I can really develop my professional skills. Besides that, it's also about the money. It's exciting for me to discuss new sponsorships, and to challenge myself to bargain for the best possible deal for the association. 

I can say with certainty that I have loved every moment so far, and I am really looking forward to the rest of the upcoming year. I am excited to get to know the association and the rest of my board members better. I am also especially looking forward to the ski trip in March, where I met many of my current closest friends when I joined last year. For now, if you’ve read this far, thank you. I hope that throughout the upcoming year I will get to know many of you better. 

Lots of love, 
