Board members of the Xth board of SPiN (2017/2018)


Dear reader,

My name is Flore van Grunsven and being 19 years old makes me the youngest of this year’s board. Orginally I come from Oss, but I am living in the city centre of Nijmegen since my freshmen year and this is perfect for me. I also play field hockey twice a week, work at de Dromaai on Plein ’44, hang out with my boyfriend and friends, besides that I get to fullfill the beautiful function of Chair in this wonderful association.

At this time I am in my third year, but this is a very low priority. I got to be an active member in my first year as a member of the Exchange committee. We organized a trip to Budapest and also took care of a week here in Nijmegen when the Hungarian students stayed here. My enthusiasm started then for SPiN and after being a little less active last year, I missed the solidarity and fun. I believe I will not be missing this during this year.

I am super excited to make this year a fantastic lustrumyear togheter with my other board members and the members. If you ever feel the need to chat, hang out, cry, laugh or ever need an answer for something, just ask me! 

Flore van Grunsven


Dear reader,

My name is Heleen van Renesse, and I’m 21 years old. I’m born and raised in Nijmegen and still not planning on leaving this beautiful city. Beside my board activities, I work at a beautiful bar and in my spare time I love to go to festivals, R&B/hip-hop parties or to the ‘Waalstrandje’ with my friends.

This year I started my fourth year of my bachelor Psychology. In my SPiN-history i have joined three committees: the Magazine , the Citytrip and the Almanac committee. I enjoyed it so much to work together on a project and (try to) make a success of it that i decided to apply for the board. And now I’m secretary of the Xth board of SPiN! I will answer the incoming mails, will make the newsletter and agenda and beside that i supervise three committees.

I’m really looking forward to make a great year of this lustrumyear and to meat all of you! 

Heleen van Renesse


Dear members,

I am Tim Von den Hoff and i will turn 21 on 21 October. Officially I am in my third year of psychology. But I haven’t really noticed it so far. This year I will be the treasurer of SPiN which is the function with money. I have lived my whole life in Nijmegen and that has been great so far. This city has entertained me every day I have been here. When the molenstraat couldn’t do it I was rowing. Yes I am also a member of Phocas. But this year will mostly consist of making an awesome year and financing this year for you guys. This year SPiN will be my highest priority hopefully together with studying. Next to SPiN and rowing is music a passion of mine. I always try to hear a beat throughout my day.

My SPiN career consists mostly of going to the activitiets. In my first year I was an active member in the magazine committee. SPiN has always been a place for me to meet new people and mostly to enjoy my student time. That is why my goal for this year as a board member will be to make your membership at SPiN as exciting as my first two years have been.

If you still have question about my life. 

Tim Von den Hoff

Formal Affairs Officer

Dear reader,

My name is Evelien Smits and I will be the Formal Affairs Officer this year. I am 20 years old and I am in my third year as a student. I was born in Dordrecht, but I chose to study and live in the city Nijmegen.

In the first year of my studies I became an active member of SPiN in the festivities committee. We had the opportunity to organise the new concept ‘Insomnia’. The two Insomnia parties were a great success and I enjoyed organizing it. In my second year I joined the festivities committee one more year as treasurer. After two years of being an active member I started a new and bigger challenge, namely the board of SPiN!

In my spare time you will find me spending time with my friends and roommates. I love to drink wine or tea together. Further I enjoy sports, like to do creative things and I love travelling a lot.

I am really looking forward to this year with the other lovely board members, but I also want to get to know you all! Therefore feel welcome to pass by SPiN’s common room for a cup of coffee or thee.

Evelien Smits

Informal Affairs Officer

Hello my sweetest reader!

My name is Stef Bos, 22 years old and I will be the Informal Affairs Officer this year.

This means that I will guide most of the non-study related committees. I can tell you that I am already very excited about my committees. Most of my committees have a Chair that has been part of the SPiN-board before, which currently knows about 30 times more about SPiN than I do. Ofcourse this has its advantages but also disadvantages: the amount of work is a lot smaller and I also learn a lot from them, however the most challenging aspects so far is to keep control of the committee with its wild plans due to the Lustrum of this year. I am very curious about how this process will develop itself this year.

As a board, we also have made wild plans for this year because of the Lustrum. These include 5 lustrum activities that will be announced during the year. I want to encourage you to keep these dates free, because I am giving my PERSONAL GUARANTEES that you will regret it when you have missed these ones. We already had a Lustrum lecture by Dick Swaab which has been the most visited lecture in the history of SPiN.

Now it’s fun fact time! I have no swimming diploma (this is very weird for Dutch people). I am afraid of heights. My favorite color is red. I love dogs, but I will probably buy a cat in the future. I love to cook, even though my board year doesn’t give me lots of opportunities. I usually go to the Bascafé. The biggest passion of my life is playing football. Also, I like it when you say hi to me at SPiN’s common room!

Hopefully you know me a lot better than 2 minutes ago!

Stef Bos

Academic Relations Officer

Dear all,

My name is Marek Voesenek. I am 23 years old and fourth year student. I come from the beautiful village Oijen in North Brabant. This year I will be Academic Relations Officer. This function contains all the education-related activities in the Psychology bachelor. This year I will put all my energy and effort to get the best result for you guys.

I am already a few years active at SPiN. In my second year I took place in the Magazine committee and the Charity workgroup (at that moment it wasn’t a committee yet). In my last year I took place in the Citytrip committee. Besides SPiN I was active in the Programme committee and in the Steering committee English Bachelor. This year I am still active in these last two committees.

In the past years I noticed that SPiN means a lot for her members. I really want to contribute to this. If you have any questions, you can always ask them! I wish you, and also myself, success this year and I hope to see you soon at SPiN’s common room. 

Marek Voesenek

External Affairs Officer

Dear readers,

My name is Isabel Leemhuis, i’m 21 years old and a third year student. Originally i came from Berghem, a village next to Oss. Although Oss is a very beautiful city, I moved to Nijmegen two years ago.

In my first year I became an active member and I was the secretary of the Sports committee. The following year I was the secretary of the Studytripcommittee and I organized a very special trip to Romania with my committee. I really liked these experiences, so I decided to go on the challenge of a boardyear. That’s why I will be the External Affairs Officer this year. This means that I’m responsible for the contact with the external contacts of SPiN, recruiting sponsors and the contact with alumni.

In my spare time I play hockey every Friday and Sunday in Dames Jong 1. I also like to hang out with my friends, go running or spend time with my parents and brothers.

I’m really looking forward to make this year a very special lustrum year with my board and ofcourse with you! If you have nice ideas, questions or you just want to chill with a cup coffee or tea, you’re always welcome at SPiN’s common room! 

Isabel Leemhuis